Urachal Cysts

What is an Urachal Cyst?

How do you treat an urachal cyst?
Urachal cysts are benign and often asymptomatic, but they can cause complications such as infections or abscesses. If the patient has a fever, pain in their abdomen, or is vomiting blood then surgery may be necessary to remove the cyst. Urinary bladder cancer can also result from an untreated urachal cyst so it's important to seek medical attention if there are any concerning symptoms.

What does a urachal cyst feel like?
A Urachal Cyst is an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the body that can be found anywhere on or inside the body. The most common location for this type of cysts are around the urinary bladder, but they can also occur near other organs such as kidneys and intestines. A Urachal Cyst usually has no symptoms until it becomes infected or inflamed, which may cause pain during urination, fever, nausea and vomiting. It is important to seek medical attention if these symptoms persist because infection could lead to cancerous cells developing within the cyst. If surgery is needed then there are two options: Laparoscopy or open surgery (abdomen). The first option minimizes scarring while open surgery allows surgeons to remove all diseased tissue from where it was located

What are the symptoms of an urachal cyst?

An urachal cyst is a benign growth that can form in the fetal bladder. The symptoms of an urachal cyst are usually painless, but there may be discomfort with bowel movements or difficulty emptying the bladder. Urinary tract infections are common and some people have had surgery to remove this type of tumor because it was causing problems with their urinary system or other organs. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is often used before surgery to determine if the tumor has grown into nearby tissues and caused any damage. Laparoscopy is another surgical procedure where doctors insert a small camera through a small incision on your abdomen so they can see inside your body without making any large cuts; this allows them to better examine what’s going on inside you and make sure nothing else needs treatment at the same time as removing an urachal cyst .
The most common symptom for an Urachus Cysts is abdominal pain which typically occurs when passing gas, having sex, or during bowel movements due to pressure from enlargement of the uterus onto intestines/bladder area during pregnancy

How is an urachal cyst diagnosed?
Urachal cysts are typically diagnosed through a CT scan, MRI, or laparoscopy. A CT scan will show the size and shape of the mass as well as any associated abnormalities such as fluid collection or calcification. An MRI can be used to confirm if there is cancer present in the mass. If surgery is needed, a laparoscopy will allow for diagnosis and removal without having to open up the abdomen (incision)

There are a number of tests that can be done to diagnose the cause of Urachal Cysts. The first is an ultrasound, which would show if there was any fluid or solid material in the cyst. If this test came back negative, then a CT scan could be ordered to see if there was anything abnormal on it. A Laparoscopy is another way for doctors to look inside and see what's going on with the Urachal Cyst as well as remove some tissue from it so they can examine them under a microscope. Lastly, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) might also be used because it provides more detailed images than other types of scans do

Types of tests for a Urachi Cysts: Ultrasound - Shows fluid or solid material in cyst; CT Scan - Examines internal organs; Laparoscopy - Allows doctor access to cyst and removes tissue samples for examination; MRI

What happens if you don't treat it?
Urachal cysts are benign and do not pose a risk to the patient. If left untreated, however, they can cause problems such as infection or abscess formation. Urinary bladder infections may be caused by bacteria from the urachal cyst that has migrated into the urinary tract. This is more likely to happen if there is an obstruction in the bladder outlet due to enlarged prostate glands or other conditions which make it difficult for urine flow out of the body normally.
